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Social Mobility at London Business School

We are striving to empower bright minds from all backgrounds with the knowledge, networks and skills to enable social mobility both within the School and across the wider business world.

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Financial Aid

London Business School is committed to increasing the number of students from different socioeconomic backgrounds across all of our programmes. To support this we offer a number of scholarships to individuals with a record of exceptional professional and personal achievement. In addition to the School’s contributions, we also partner with individuals, corporations and organisations who share our values in order to continue expanding our offering. 

Visit our Financial Aid pages to find out how we can help you finance your studies.

Get in touch with FLII Club

Whether you are a current or prospective FLII student, alum, or an ally who’s passionate about socioeconomic diversity, now is the time to get in touch and join the conversation. You can also keep updated by following FLII at London Business School on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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