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Senior Executive Programme

Challenge your thinking and reignite your ambition with our flagship executive development programme designed for senior leaders with an average of 15 to 20 years' management experience.

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Programme impact

Leadership. Strategy. Change. Impact

Take your skills to the next level and sharpen your capabilities in leadership, strategy, change and impact to achieve unrivalled results at the top tier of your organisation.

  • Challenge your thinking and reignite your ambition with our flagship programme for senior executives leading at the top tier of organisations worldwide.

  • Join a globally diverse peer group of exceptional senior leaders, to share experiences and broaden your perspectives.

  • Explore the ideas that drive leadership, strategy, change and impact, guided by world-class business thinkers, and bolstered with tried and tested insights from industry practitioners.

  • Elevate your impact through experiential learning designed to provoke ideas and challenge your assumptions.

  • Experience London as your classroom, and immerse yourself in a dynamic global business hub.

  • Renew your confidence to thrive through uncertainty, cut-through complexity and seize new opportunities for growth.

  • Upon completion, join LBS’s global Executive Education Alumni network consisting of over 17,000 executives spanning 150 countries.

Right for you

Designed for highly accomplished senior executives from around the world, with an average of 15 to 20 years' management experience, the SEP attracts our most senior and experienced Executive Education cohort members, who will already have a record of achieving significant impact within their organisations.


management experience

on average



on average per cohort

Attendees include:

  • Senior executives from large organisations who are one or two levels from CEO

  • Regional or country heads, and business unit directors

  • Executive committee members

  • Senior civil servants and leaders of large not-for-profit organisations

  • C-suite executives of small and mid-sized organisations

Who attends

Who attends

Image displaying percentage map

Programme content

Immerse. Explore. Challenge. Transform.

Join a global group of exceptional senior leaders to challenge and broaden your perspective, in one of the world's most dynamic cities.


  • Reflect on your leadership journey, and hone your style, impact and effectiveness.

  • Explore you at your best, by leveraging your signature strengths, and drawing on proven psychometric tools and executive coaching.

  • Understand how to fuel your people's performance and support them to navigate change and disruption.

  • Gain the confidence to articulate a vision for your organisation with renewed purpose and conviction.


  • Build a broader strategic mindset to capitalise on opportunities.

  • Improve innovation, ensure sustainability, and drive competitive advantage for the future of your organisation.

  • Secure sustainable success in today’s volatile business climate by setting a strategy to thrive globally even through volatile, complex and ambiguous future scenarios.


  • Take a holistic approach to change. Examine your organisation’s competitive environment, challenge management orthodoxies, and influence corporate culture.


  • Understand and utilise the motives of your stakeholders to maximise opportunity and value.

  • Operate with the confidence to elevate your impact at the top tier of your organisation.

Our faculty

World-class thought leaders

SEP is led by 14 LBS faculty from different areas of expertise, plus guest lecturers and world-class contributors. SEP offers you a unique opportunity to learn from some of the finest business minds in the world. Their industry experience, thought leadership, academic calibre and global perspective on key issues leave you with invaluable knowledge and powerful insights.

How to apply

Submit your application through our online application form.

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