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Sustainability Leadership and Corporate Responsibility

Secure sustainable success. Build the strategy to transition to responsible business, and transform your competitive advantage.

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Programme impact

Transition into sustainability

Reconceptualise critical global challenges as sustainable growth opportunities for your business, and achieve positive social impact.

Right for you

Right for you

The programme is designed for mid to senior level managers; tasked with or seeking to develop or implement sustainable business practices within their organisation, or aiming to update their management capabilities with new frameworks and perspectives.

We help you to understand sustainability in a strategic, enterprise-wide fashion, to futureproof your organisation whilst maximising your stakeholder engagement and influencing skills. Attendees include:

  • Individuals seeking to develop their knowledge within sustainability, to provide a competitive advantage for their organisation and to accelerate their careers

  • Managers with minimal experience in sustainability, who aim to take on responsibilities in this area to impact their organisation’s future

  • Senior board members aiming to quickly develop a solid foundation on the sustainability issues that are entering board-level discussions

  • General, project and risk managers, alongside directors, vice presidents and investors from a variety of industries, with broad range of business experience and managerial responsibility.


of management experience


Who attends


Programme content

The solution to sustained success

Design, implement and execute sustainability strategies to create lasting competitive advantage

Week One: The Sustainability Challenge – Discover what sustainability really means for business, and why it has become a key strategic consideration for any organisation aspiring to longevity and success.

Week Two: The Sustainability Advantage – Do you want to be a sustainability leader? Build the knowledge and skills to influence your peers and measure your impact, as you pursue both profit and sustainability.

Week Three: Sustainability Leadership in Action – Part one – Witness the concepts we’ve explored applied in real life. Understand the mechanisms through which sustainability leads to value creation from a real business case study, so you can develop and implement them in your own organisation.

Week Four: Sustainability Leadership in Action – Part two – Revisit our case study to discover how they reinvented their business model to become an industry leader in sustainability, and delve into some of the innovative products introduced, and the processes developed.

Week Five: Sustainable Pathways to Value Creation – Explore how sustainability unlocks unique pathways for organisations to generate financial performance and socio-environmental impact. Examine recent developments in AI and big data and their sustainability applications to identify the sustainability value-creating mechanisms that are most relevant in your context.

Week Six: The Roadmap to Sustainability – Understand the four pillars needed to embed a culture of sustainability into your corporate DNA and discover the future trends you and your organisation need to prepare for. Use the tools, frameworks and insights you’ve developed to build a roadmap to achieve your goals and guide your efforts towards sustainability leadership.

Self-paced flexible online learning

Challenge your thinking with our range of online courses for individuals and teams. During this unique digital learning experience, you’ll embark on a self-paced journey with a dedicated Learning Manager over the course of several weeks. We have a variety of programmes to suit your individual needs, all of which offer access to the expertise of our world-class faculty, no matter where you are in the world, and an e-certificate on completion.

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E-certificate on completion

Build credibility with a London Business School e-certificate on completion.

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Up to 18 hours of pre-recorded faculty-led lectures 

Learn from industry experts through videos, curated content, assignments and - on select courses - live faculty sessions.

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6 weeks, 4-5 hours per week

Experience a journey to suit your schedule with self-paced learning over the course of 6 weeks.

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Dedicated learning manager support

Benefit from the support of a learning manager to boost your development.

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Global online peer network

Connect and reinforce your learnings with an exceptional group of peers from around the world.

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E-certificate on completion

Build credibility with a London Business School e-certificate on completion.

9225_EE_Loops_Ignite_web icon_1
Up to 18 hours of pre-recorded faculty-led lectures 

Learn from industry experts through videos, curated content, assignments and - on select courses - live faculty sessions.

Certificate in Management

This programme can also be taken as part of the Certificate in Management. Enhance your leadership approach, hone your business skills and curate your own curriculum with a blend of online and in-person learning.

Our faculty

Expert in the field

Draw inspiration from a world-leading academic who blends cutting-edge research together with practical insights for a dynamic learning experience.

How to apply

Submit your application through our online application form.

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